Antiageing Body system

Adi tonic body System

Drain Body Body system

Hydro Scrub Body system

Body treatments

Body System

Mascia Brunelli cosmetica professionale presents:

The innovative lines of bodycare, Anti Ageing Body System, Adi Tonic Body System and Drain Body System represent an evolution in the field of professional cosmetics. The fast acting microplasm and the deep penetrating massage creams have been formulated with the aim of effectively responding to aesthetic problems of the body such as ageing of the skin, cosmetic treatment of cellulite and localized fat deposits.

The three lines include treatments to be administered at the health spa in two phases for better functioning of the active ingredients and noticeable results.

©2008 Mascia Brunelli S.p.A. - Divisione Cosmetica professionale | v.le Monza 272 Milano | P.IVA 05985320158